Friday, October 4, 2019

Garlic Shrimp(Mexican Style)-(Camarones Al Mojo De Ajo)



1 lb shrimp without shells and cleaned
5 tbsp butter
2 tbsp olive oil
1/4 onion cut into slices
5 cloves garlic minced
3 tbsp parsley chopped
2 limes just the juice
1/4 tsp ground paprika optional
salt and pepper to taste


1. Start by seasoning the de-shelled and cleaned shrimp with salt, pepper, and paprika.

2. Add the butter olive oil to a frying pan over medium-low heat until butter begins to melt.
3. Add the garlic and onion and let saute together for about 5 minutes.
4. Add the shrimp and cook for 5-8 minutes or until they are completely cooked through.  Add the lime juice and parsley.

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