Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Puto Kutchinta(Cassava Flour)

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(photo credit: mamasguiderecipe)


1/4 kilo cassava flour
1/4 kilo all purpose flour
1/4 kilo segunda sugar
1 tablespoon lihiya(lye)
1/4 cup white sugar
5 cups of water
orange food color powder


1. In a mixing bowl, combine all the dry ingredients.

2. Add the water and food coloring. Mix thoroughly, strain mixture to remove lumps.

3. Pour into oiled or greased moulds, about ¾ full only.

4. Steam for 10 minutes and don’t forget to cover your steamer with cloth to avoid water drippings.

5. Once cooked, let it cool before removing from the moulds.

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